Friday, October 2, 2015

Being friends with a trafficker

 This past summer I had an experience while volunteering that I would like to share.  To my surprise, the truth of my own story was revealed while serving in this ministry. I hope to share the story so that it can encourage others to seek education on the issue of human trafficking and get involved to help the cause. 
In the past four years, I participated with other volunteers at Willow Creek Community Church to initiate our Human Trafficking Ministry. It was the year 2011 when we launched the first Community Awareness Forum and Nita Belles was our first guest speaker. Nita shared knowledge of what human trafficking looks like in America and with her book In Our Backyard. Her voice helped shape our ministry and we continue to host awareness forums, serve local organizations, and refer resources for survivors. This past September we had the honor to welcome back Nita Belles a second time to discuss her new edition of her book and pack two hundred gift bags for survivors of human trafficking. I read the first edition of In Our Backyard in 2011 and my journey to healing began.
I remember laying in the comfort of my bed when suddenly coming across the story about a gal in the sex industry who was being controlled. Tears rushed down my face and I called my mom to let her know the story resembled the story of someone close to us. It has been years of trying to resolve all the pieces, but I am so thankful I took the time to really educate myself about human trafficking. Becoming aware allowed my family to help rather that further hurt the situation at hand. Though my heart broke to realize how close trafficking was to my life, I became sold out to the mission to raise awareness for other families to understand what is going on beneath the surface.
After six months of volunteering for organizations and raising awareness in the community, I started to feel my own history of fear rise to the surface. As a child I was sexually abused when my older brother came across old porn tapes. This trial deceived me and I fell prey to exploitation at the age of 10. I became involved with a boy on my street who was mimicking the “pimp game”. Honestly, I didn't realize I was being used or tricked to help him gain popularity, drugs, or status. At the time, I only felt fearful because of the shame I carried from my initial abuse in this seemingly predestined “piece of used garbage” lifestyle. I realized I was exploited for the first time while serving and discussing experiences of having dates in cars. Today, it ignites my heart to keep raising awareness to help other parents, teachers, counselors recognize the initial signs of an exploited situation.
So here I was this past summer, assisting in a rescue in the local area and found myself staring at the face of a violent pimp who I shared multiple "mutual friends" with on Facebook and recognized his picture instantly. I couldn't believe it myself. Although I assumed those boys from my past would grow up to be "normal", the truth is, those boys from my past didn't "grow out it".  They grew up to be men who victimize women by luring them with shelter, drugs, and love. What could have been done to initially stop it when I was a child? I am not sure. I can take a wild guess that educating parents, teachers, and others for the future generations wouldn't hurt.
 During my past, I was loved by God unconditionally and that is a book long story to tell. But, because I took the time to become educated I realized someone in my life needed help and a difference was made. I then took the time to volunteer and realized there were times in my life that fear also controlled me and my healing took place. This past summer I took the time to assist in a rescue and realized the street I grew up on bred traffickers and I understood what I needed to do to help prevent one more girl to fall victim to them. I reported.
 I encourage you to take the time and read In Our Backyard. I invite you to join me at the book discussion we are hosting this October. You will discover what you can do to help and make a difference.
In Our Backyard, by Nita Belles
Book Discussion
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
7pm in the Link Room (free child care available)
Willow Creek South Barrington IL
Join the Facebook Invite to RSVP and invite others!