Sunday, September 21, 2014

Unforgettable Outreach Moments

Today we made phone calls to ads on offering resources and prayer during a New-Name Ministry Call Center in South Barrington. Out of the 16 phone calls, during a particular call we prayed with a girl and I noticed she was in the car  with a friend. As usual we made the next call to another random ad. The next phone call went as follows:

Us: "Hi, my name is -------, we saw ads you had posted and are wondering if we could pray for you or help you with any resources?" 

Girl:"yah, I just prayed with you as you were on the phone with my friend and wanted to know if you can pray for me too?" So we laughed with pure joy out loud at the coincidence and prayed together again. What are the chances that the ads pulled and printed to call from days prior would be dialed to two ladies in the same car resulting in out loud laughter and encouragement!

 As volunteers serving, we believe we can "do" all things through Christ that strenghtens us, but more importantly, that those we serve can do all things through Christ who strengthens them...


...a new baby of a safe and proud mama who has reconciled with her mother
...a new engagement for a new beginning
... healing of cancer, so serving is possible
... miraculous healing of sight to a victim to show God hears her prayer
... a family reunion to end addiction and exit the sex industry
... a rescue of 3 ladies this month from outreach efforts
... 16 new students enrolled to college to reach dreams God did not give up on
... new safe houses opening in our local area 

Make a difference:

"8 Days" Premiere- Sept. 30th at 5:30 pm in Wheaton
Ride For Refuge: October 4th Chicago/Elgin Bike Ride
Human Trafficking for India Gala: October 4th Streamwood IL

Beauty for Ashes Gift Baskets for Survivors- Mary Kay will match your donation, now through Thanksgiving

 Launch Party Friday Night Wheaton Safe House: October 24th Wheaton IL

1 comment:

  1. Urgent Prayer Request: Protection for a survivor.

    This Saturday:
    Please join or share and like on facebook for this Saturday Dance for Freedom at the Schaumburg Arthur Murray Dance Studio!
