May Featured Events
Sat. 5 pm, Sun. 9 & 11:15, Willow Creek South Barrington

Join section 101/102F after the 11:15 for a quick cup of coffee and cupcakes on us! We are excited to experience this special day together with friends & family with kids activities, live music and celebrate moms! Please RSVP Here:
May 5th: Book Discussion: Girls Like Us by Rachel Lloyd.
7 - 9 pm, Willow Creek South Barrington, Room B204
Read the book on your own and join us for a discussion of the book on May 5th. Email Laurette to sign up. Books are also available at Seeds Bookstore at Willow SB.
8 - 2 pm, Willow Creek Crystal Lake, 220 Exchange Drive, Suite A, Crystal Lake
Victims of human trafficking may look like many of the people you see everyday. Would you be able to recognize them if you came in contact with one? Would you know what signs to look for? Would you know what questions to ask or who to call? This seminar will prepare you to recognize the commercial exploitation of children, identify the risk factors and much more. Agenda and cost information can be found Here or you may Register Here. Space is limited. Share this flier with anyone who may be interested.
May 1: West Chicagoland Anti Trafficking Coalition Mixer
7-8:30 pm, Missions Place is at 370 W. Front Street, Wheaton
Come and learn more about this important issue and how you can make a difference by becoming an abolitionist. This informal gathering will feature Rep. Peter Roskam, and with his wife Elizabeth, along with a panel discussion on human trafficking. On the panel will be an agent from the Office of Homeland Security and representatives from local non-profit organizations who are working to combat human trafficking in our area and globally: New Name, Reclaim13, Women at Risk International, Compass Church Global/Justice Ministries. RSVP
May 5: Night of prayer for Refuge for Women
Please join us for an evening of prayer on May 5th at 7:30 pm in Wheaton. Link arms with others who are passionate about bringing Refuge For Women to Chicago and help us cover this issue in prayer. Email Anne for details on specific location.
May 6: Eve's Angels /A.R.M.E.D. Bible Study (Men & Women's Groups)
7 pm, Room B207,Willow Creek South Barrington
May 10: Salvation Army PROMISE Anne's house visit 10-12 (intercession needed)May 10: CAASE presents The Whistleblower
3-7 pm, Willow Creek Chicago, 418 S. Wabash Ave, Chicago
Join CAASE's Young Activist Council for an afternoon screening of The Whistleblower, followed by Q&A with author Kathryn Bolkovac, the inspirational woman who risked her own life to uncover human trafficking and prostitution and their connections to private mercenary contractors, the UN, and the U.S. State Department in post-war Bosnia. Bolkovac’s story astounded the world with the release of The Whistleblower film starring Rachel Weisz as Bolkovac. Buy Tickets here:
6:30-8:30 pm, Grind Chicago, 2 N LaSalle Street, 14th Floor, Chicago
Join Traffick Free for their annual Freedom Forum - a panel of experts shedding a layer of insight regarding the truth of human trafficking as it affects Chicago. This year's panel will center around how to best support survivors in Chicago--specifically diving into programs currently available and areas/services that still need to be addressed.
Panelists included: Cook County State's Attorney's Office, Teen Living Programs, CeaseFire and Traffick Free. Guest moderator will be Gwen Macsai, host of Re:sound broadcast weekly on WBEZ. Wine & small bites will be provided. Please register!
May 20: Eve's Angels /A.R.M.E.D. Bible Study (Men & Women's Groups)
7 pm, Room B207,Willow Creek South Barrington
May 21: New Moms Volunteer Orientation
5317 W. Chicago Avenue., Chicago, IL 60651
Register by clicking the link: Wednesday, May 21st from 6:00pm-7:00pm. Space is limited and you must register to attend. You will have the opportunity to tour our new facility, ask any questions you may have, and complete volunteer paperwork. If you have any concerns or questions, please contact Keisha Etienne at
May 21: Slavery Uncovered: Chicago - A Visual Advocacy
3- 6 pm, Art Works Projects, 625 N. Kingsbury, Chicago
Please join us for an opening reception for Slavery Uncovered, a new visual advocacy campaign addressing human trafficking and forced labor in the Chicagoland area. Featuring a conversation with photographers Nina Berman, Jon Lowenstein, and Anne Ream, Founder and Creative Director, The Voices and Faces Project.
May 24: Salvation Army PROMISE Anne's house visit 10-12 (intercession needed)
May 31: Dance for Freedom
7:30-10pm. Arthur Murray Dance Studio, 608 E. Golf Rd., Schaumburg
All you have to do is show up, pay $10, and dance until your heart's content! There will be a beginners group class at 7:30 for any non dancers out there. 100% of the money will go to the End It Movement!
Email for more info.
***Save the date! ****
June Men's Forum event (6/18), Amazing Grace Fundraiser (6/14) and Trot against Trafficking (6/8)
June Men's Forum event (6/18), Amazing Grace Fundraiser (6/14) and Trot against Trafficking (6/8)
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