August 17: Anne's house, 10 am - 12 pm (intercession needed)
August 21:Human Trafficking Forum with guest speaker Nita Belles:
7pm @ Willow Creek Crystal Lake, Room 107 REGISTER HERE

Nita is the author of "In Our Backyard: A Christian Perspective of Human Trafficking." In Our Backyard documents U.S. human trafficking, and is a battle call to Christians to learn the signs of trafficking in our midst, and how to be a part of the solution. Nita has worked with victims/survivors of domestic violence for many years. She specialized in various women's issues, through teaching and counseling in churches and shelters. She is also the co-founder of Central Oregonians Against Trafficking Humans.
August 22 & 23: Third Annual Cook County Human Trafficking Conference
The conference will feature presentations on innovative work from local and national experts on human trafficking. The two-day event will offer law enforcement and medical focused workshops, as well as a variety of topics for social service professionals and community members.
August 25: Section Gathering, after the 11:15 service, Room B206
August 27: Eve's Angels Bible Study: 7 pm, Room B207,Willow Creek South Barrington (MEN's chapter has launched too!)
August 29: Eve's Angels Bible Study: Chicago, 7 pm. Check back or email for location
August 31: Anne's house, 10 am - 12 pm (intercession needed)
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED for the Captive No More Dinner & Silent Auction on 10/5! For a list of available opportunities contact Becky.
September 7: 3rd annual 5K Run Against Traffick- Sign up at
September 18: Willow Creek SB, Human Trafficking Forum: featuring Truckers Against Trafficking & New Name.
September 21: Precious to Him Conference @ Moody Church- Keynote Speaker Shayne Moore
October Book Club: Refuse To Do Nothing by Shayne Moore
October 10- November 17: ShadowTown: A Stage Play about sex trafficking in Chicago
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