Volunteers needed with Traffick Free!
Thursday August 29th, 1:30 -4:30 pm.
Willow Creek Chicago - 418 S. Wabash
Join Traffick Free in their annual 5k Bag Stuffing as they prepare for the 3rd 5k Run Against Traffick coming up on September 7th!
Ever wonder how the dozens of the flyers, coupons and goodies get into hundreds of race packets? It's with the help of volunteers like you who stuff them by hand! So come for the whole 3 hours or just for part of your lunch break, your time and talents will be utilized!
Saturday September 7th: 3rd Annual 5k Run Against Traffick
6:30 am - 12 pm.
Volunteers needed in all areas to help put on the 5k! Visit traffickfree.org/volunteer for more details.
Free the Girls Bra Drive! (Now through September 6th.)

Free The Girls® has a dream that the world can change. We have a dream to end slavery. We want you to dream with us. Give us your used bras and we will give a job to a former victim of human trafficking selling those bras in Africa.
Let’s face it, ladies: the back of your underwear drawer is most likely a graveyard of bras you don’t wear anymore or that never fit right in the first place. By contrast, second-hand clothing is a profitable market in many countries around the world. Bras are sought after items. Some of the girls in our program are making 5x the minimum wage in their community by selling bras! And even better, bras provide an opportunity for these women to work with other women, since they have a history of being abused and used by men.
Contact Sondra with details.
August 17: Anne's house, 10 am - 12 pm (intercession needed)
August 21:Human Trafficking Forum with guest speaker Nita Belles:
7pm @ Willow Creek Crystal Lake, Room 107 REGISTER HERE

Nita is the author of "In Our Backyard: A Christian Perspective of Human Trafficking." In Our Backyard documents U.S. human trafficking, and is a battle call to Christians to learn the signs of trafficking in our midst, and how to be a part of the solution. Nita has worked with victims/survivors of domestic violence for many years. She specialized in various women's issues, through teaching and counseling in churches and shelters. She is also the co-founder of Central Oregonians Against Trafficking Humans.
August 22 & 23: Third Annual Cook County Human Trafficking Conference
The conference will feature presentations on innovative work from local and national experts on human trafficking. The two-day event will offer law enforcement and medical focused workshops, as well as a variety of topics for social service professionals and community members.
August 25: Section Gathering, after the 11:15 service, Room B206
August 27: Eve's Angels Bible Study: 7 pm, Room B207,Willow Creek South Barrington (MEN's chapter has launched too!)
August 29: Eve's Angels Bible Study: Chicago, 7 pm. Check back or email for location
August 31: Anne's house, 10 am - 12 pm (intercession needed)
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED for the Captive No More Dinner & Silent Auction on 10/5! For a list of available opportunities contact Becky.
September 7: 3rd annual 5K Run Against Traffick- Sign up at traffickfree.org
September 18: Willow Creek SB, Human Trafficking Forum: featuring Truckers Against Trafficking & New Name.
September 21: Precious to Him Conference @ Moody Church- Keynote Speaker Shayne Moore
October Book Club: Refuse To Do Nothing by Shayne Moore
October 10- November 17: ShadowTown: A Stage Play about sex trafficking in Chicago