Tuesday, December 3, 2013

December Events

December Events

December 3: Eve's Angels Bible Study (Men & Women's Groups)
7 pm, Room B107/108,Willow Creek South Barrington

December 11:  Human Trafficking Concert: The "We Need Your Light" Project
7:30 - 9 @ Willow Creek South Barrington in the Chapel  

Support the movement to end human trafficking by expanding your understanding of key issues through this forum, which includes a concert by Willow worship artists Dell Washington, Shawn Christopher, Don Leach, Rachael Proulx, Char McAllister, Delwin Eiland, and Pasquale Tenneriello.  

Participants will have an opportunity to purchase the CD "We Need Your Light" after the performance. Proceeds will benefit a local Willow-partner organization dedicated to combating human trafficking. Register

December 14:  Salvation Army PROMISE Anne's house visit 10-12 (intercession needed) 

December 14: New Moms Christmas Event with Willow Chicago
9 am - 4 pm @ New Moms, Inc. 5417 W. Chicago Ave. 

Design, provide supplies, and staff various activity stations (cookie decorations, family photo station, music/dancing). Volunteer

December 15: Fair Trade shopping event for The Dreamcatcher Foundation
12pm-4 pm, Ten Thousand Villages, 840 W. Armitage, Chicago

Ten Thousand Villages is a fair trade retailer of artisan-crafted home decor, personal accessories and gift items from across the globe. As one of the world’s oldest and largest fair trade organizations, Ten Thousand Villages has spent more than 60 years cultivating trading relationships in which artisans receive a fair price for their work and consumers have access to distinctive handcrafted items. We seek to establish long-term buying relationships in places where skilled artisans are under- or unemployed, and in which they lack other opportunities for income. A founding member of the World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO), Ten Thousand Villages sees fair trade as an alternative approach to conventional international trade.

December 17: Eve's Angels Bible Study (Men & Women's Groups)
7 pm, Room B107/108,Willow Creek South Barrington

December 17: STOP-IT Drop-In Center Christmas Party- Willow Chicago Ministry Center
12pm-3 pm (set-up) 50 E Congress Pkwy, Chicago, IL 60605

Get involved and help us show God's love and grace. STOP-IT will be hosting a Christmas party for the girls who attend the Drop-In Center at the Ministry Center.  

We'd like to create a festive and welcoming environment for the party. We will be decorating, providing a holiday meal and desserts. We are also collecting Items to provide gift bags for eight girls.  Fore more details or to volunteer contact Josie.

Monday, November 4, 2013

November Events

November 5: Official
launch of the Eve's Angels Men's Chapter
7 pm, Room B207, Willow Creek South Barrington 
Men will be studying the book Eyes of Honor (available here).  Also men can join the ARMED Campaign (Association for Real Men Ending the Demand) and take the pledge!  

November 5:  Study Eve's Angels Bible Study
7 pm, Room B207, Willow Creek South Barrington

November 8-9: Gather4Justice Conference
The Compass Church in Naperville
Join us to learn and network as believers to combat human trafficking globally and in our own backyards.  Register here

November 10th: Section 101/102F Gathering, Willow Creek South Barrington
After the 11:15 Sunday service, Room B205. 
We will be making decorations for a Thanksgiving Celebration for a home we serve for minors who are trafficked in Chicago.

November 13: New-Name Call Center at Willow Creek Crystal Lake
7 pm, Conference Center
This ministry makes outgoing phone calls and offers prayer and assistance for girls in the adult entertainment industry.  New Name has provided us with a script to guide us in our calls as well as a list of services that can provide help to the girls if needed. Training is required prior to participation. Contact Donna

Now - November 17 - Shadow Town 
The Den Theatre 1333 N. Milwaukee, Chicago, IL  2nd Floor

A 90 minute original stage play, based on dozens of interviews of people involved with sex trafficking in Chicago. Proceeds benefit The Salvation Army PROMISE program Anne's House and The Dreamcatcher Foundation. Get your tickets now!!

November 16: Salvation Army PROMISE Anne's house visit 10-12 (intercession needed)

November 19: Eve's Angels Bible Study (Men & Women's Groups)
7 pm, Room B207,Willow Creek South Barrington

November 19 -  Sewing Circle - Willow Creek Crystal Lake - 7 pm in Room 122 
We will be sewing pillowcases into dresses for little girls in Africa for Dress A Girl Around the World.  The dresses are given to girls who live in a society where they have no value.  By providing a new dress sewn out of a pillowcase you may well be changing a young girl’s destiny. Contact Donna

November 19: National Day of Action - International Justice Mission
Join the #1Step1Voice Campaign. We'll be calling on Congress to pass the Human Trafficking Prioritization Act. Take Action now!

November 23:  Salvation Army PROMISE Anne's house visit 10-12 (intercession needed) 

November 23 - CSEC Training Seminar, 8 - 3:30
Willow Creek North Shore- 315 Waukegan Road, Northfield Illinois
Recognize the commercial sexual exploitation of children, detect risk factors, identify and
effectively engage victims, and build skills necessary to serve youths affected by
human trafficking.  Register by November 16.


December 11:  Human Trafficking Concert: The "We Need Your Light" Project
7:30 - 9 @ Willow Creek South Barrington in the Chapel  
Support the movement to end human trafficking by expanding your understanding of key issues through this forum, which includes a concert by Willow worship artists Dell Washington, Shawn Christopher, Alisha Thomas, Sharon Irving, and more. Register

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

October Events

October 4 & 5th:  Sex Gone Awry Conference
The Chapel, Barrington Hills
Friday: 6:30-9:30, Saturday 9-4:30
Sex Gone Awry and the hope God’s plan brings for the mending of souls damaged by sexual abuse.  Hosted by Women's Biblical Counseling Center and The Chapel  Register Here

October 4:  New Mom's Cleaning Day,  9 am - 12 pm 
2845 W. McLean Ave., Chicago
New Mom's can use people who will help clean their current facility, so that we leave it in good condition for the next renters.   Register here

October 8: Eve's Angels Bible Study (Men & Womens Groups)
7 pm, Room B207 Willow Creek South Barrington

October 9: New-Name Call Center at Willow Creek Crystal Lake, 7 pm
Contact Donna for more info.

October 10 - November 17 - Shadow Town 
The Den Theatre 1333 N. Milwaukee, Chicago, IL  2nd Floor

A 90 minute original stage play, based on dozens of interviews of people involved with sex trafficking in Chicago. Proceeds benefit The Salvation Army PROMISE program Anne's House and The Dreamcatcher Foundation.  Willow worship artist Shawn Christopher will be performing on October 25!
Get your tickets now!!

October 12: Salvation Army PROMISE Anne's house visit 10-12 (intercession needed)

October 21:  Fall Book Club, 7- 8:30 @ Willow Creek South Barrington, Room B205
Join us for this one-night review of the inspiring book Refuse to Do Nothing by Shayne Moore. Share your insights and inspirations with others who have been motivated to "do" something in the fight against sex and labor trafficking. Please have the book read prior to attending the book club. Group discussion will be led by a facilitator. The book can be purchased for $10 or email us to obtain a copy.
 October 24: Eve's Angels Bible Study (Men & Womens Groups)7 pm, Room B207,Willow Creek South Barrington

October 26:  Salvation Army PROMISE Anne's house visit 10-12 (intercession needed) 

October 26:  Civilian First Responders Training, 8:30 - 2:30
Parkview Christian Church- 11100 Orland Pkwy, Orland Park
 Come and learn the 15 flashpoints and 18 signs of trafficking.  Discover helpful tips and action plans you can implement within your sphere of influence!  More Info Here

October 29: Traffick Free Benefit Concert
7 pm, Missio Dei Chicago - 1242 W. Addison St. Chicago, IL
Traffick Free is proud to present PW Gopal live in concert benefiting the work of Traffick Free.  Local favorite, Kelly Condron, will be opening the show!  Tickets are $10 in advance or $15 at the door.  More info Here


November 23 - CSEC Training Seminar, 8 - 3:30
Willow Creek North Shore- 315 Waukegan Road, Northfield Illinois
Recognize the commercial sexual exploitation of children, detect risk factors, identify and
effectively engage victims, and build skills necessary to serve youths affected by
human trafficking.  Register by November 16.

December 11:  Human Trafficking Concert: The "We Need Your Light" Project
7:30 - 9 @ Willow Creek South Barrington in the Chapel  

Thursday, September 12, 2013

New Mom's Big Move

Help NewMoms, Inc. move into their new facility! They are moving to our new building and will need a lot of hands to help with arranging and organizing each apartment.
Help to make a difference in the lives of homeless and near-homeless adolescent-led families.  Grab your friends or small group and adopt a room!

Saturday, September 28th

5317 W. Chicago Ave
Chicago, IL 60651

You must register for one of our two sessions by clicking the links below:

EITHER 9am-12pm OR 1pm-4pm

If you can't make this day, consider donating to their wish list.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

September Events

September 18: Human Trafficking Forum at Willow South Barrington
7:30 - 9 pm., Room B105/7/9  REGISTER HERE

Join us for our next Human Trafficking Forum as we welcome two great organizations: Truckers Against Trafficking (TAT) and New Name.

TAT engages the trucking industry in the fight against child sex trafficking and exploitation. This initiative exists to inspire and enlist the over three million U.S. truckers to become watchmen/women for trafficked children along the U.S. highways and truck stops.

New Name is a local call center advertised on backpage.com and dedicated to reaching out to young women.

*Books will also be available for the fall book study on October 21.

September 7: Volunteer or participate in the 3rd annual 5K Run Against Traffick- Find out more at traffickfree.org

September 10: Eve's Angels Bible Study:  7 pm, Room B207,Willow Creek South Barrington

September 10: Men's Chapter of Eve's Angels Bible Study: 7pm, Room B207, Willow Creek South Barrington

September 11: New Name Call Center @ Willow Creek Crystal Lake, 7PM  Contact Donna for more info. 

September 14: Anne's house visit 10-12 (intercession needed) 

September 14: Compassion & Justice Volunteer Rally. 8:30-11:30 @ Willow Creek South Barrington  REGISTER HERE
Join us as we address the challenge of caring for ourselves spiritually amidst the pressures of serving. Following the main session, Local Director, Josie Guth, and Global Director, John Forbes, will each share their learnings from the recent ministry season.

September 21:  Precious to Him Conference  @ Moody Church, 10-4, Rooms 107/108
Keynote Speaker Shayne Moore, author of REFUSE TO DO NOTHING; Finding Your Power to Abolish Modern Day Slavery.  The conference, only $20.00, (includes lunch), will "explore the truth of how precious you are to God and how He can use you to help our enslaved sisters and brothers around the world." REGISTER

September 24: Eve's Angels Bible Study (Men & Women)
7 pm, Room B207,Willow Creek South Barrington

September 28:  Anne's house visit 10-12 (intercession needed) 


VOLUNTEERS NEEDED for the Captive No More Dinner & Silent Auction on 10/5!  For a list of available opportunities contact Becky

Fall Book Club: October 21, 7:30 @ Willow Creek South Barrington, Room B205
Join us for a discussion of the book Refuse To Do Nothing by Shayne Moore.  Books will be available at the 9/18 Forum or you can contact us to purchase.  For the reading plan, please contact Donna.

October 10- November 17:  ShadowTown: A Stage Play about sex trafficking in Chicago.  

December 11:  Human Trafficking Concert: The "We Need Your Light" Project
7:30 - 9 @ Willow Creek South Barrington in the Chapel

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

New Volunteer Opportunities!

Volunteers needed with Traffick Free!

Thursday August 29th, 1:30 -4:30 pm.
Willow Creek Chicago - 418 S. Wabash
Join Traffick Free in their annual 5k Bag Stuffing as they prepare for the 3rd 5k Run Against Traffick coming up on September 7th!

Ever wonder how the dozens of the flyers, coupons and goodies get into hundreds of race packets? It's with the help of volunteers like you who stuff them by hand! So come for the whole 3 hours or just for part of your lunch break, your time and talents will be utilized!

Saturday September 7th: 3rd Annual 5k Run Against Traffick
6:30 am - 12 pm.

Volunteers needed in all areas to help put on the 5k! Visit traffickfree.org/volunteer for more details.


Free the Girls Bra Drive!  (
Now through September 6th.)

Free The Girls® has a dream that the world can change. We have a dream to end slavery. We want you to dream with us. Give us your used bras and we will give a job to a former victim of human trafficking selling those bras in Africa.

Let’s face it, ladies: the back of your underwear drawer is most likely a graveyard of bras you don’t wear anymore or that never fit right in the first place. By contrast, second-hand clothing is a profitable market in many countries around the world. Bras are sought after items. Some of the girls in our program are making 5x the minimum wage in their community by selling bras! And even better, bras provide an opportunity for these women to work with other women, since they have a history of being abused and used by men.

Contact Sondra with details.

VOLUNTEERS STILL NEEDED for the Captive No More Dinner & Silent Auction on 10/5!  For a list of available opportunities contact Becky.

Friday, August 16, 2013

August Events

August 17: Anne's house, 10 am - 12 pm (intercession needed)

August 21:Human Trafficking Forum with guest speaker Nita Belles: 
7pm @ Willow Creek Crystal Lake, Room 107  REGISTER HERE

Nita is the author of "In Our Backyard: A Christian Perspective of Human Trafficking." In Our Backyard documents U.S. human trafficking, and is a battle call to Christians to learn the signs of trafficking in our midst, and how to be a part of the solution. Nita has worked with victims/survivors of domestic violence for many years. She specialized in various women's issues, through teaching and counseling in churches and shelters. She is also the co-founder of Central Oregonians Against Trafficking Humans.  

August 22 & 23: Third Annual Cook County Human Trafficking Conference
The conference will feature presentations on innovative work from local and national experts on human trafficking. The two-day event will offer law enforcement and medical focused workshops, as well as a variety of topics for social service professionals and community members.

August 25: Section Gathering, after the 11:15 service, Room B206

August 27: Eve's Angels Bible Study:  7 pm, Room B207,Willow Creek South Barrington (MEN's chapter has launched too!)

August 29: Eve's Angels Bible Study: Chicago, 7 pm. Check back or email for location

August 31: Anne's house, 10 am - 12 pm (intercession needed)


VOLUNTEERS NEEDED for the Captive No More Dinner & Silent Auction on 10/5!  For a list of available opportunities contact Becky

September 7: 3rd annual 5K Run Against Traffick- Sign up at traffickfree.org
September 18: Willow Creek SB, Human Trafficking Forum: featuring Truckers Against Trafficking & New Name.
September 21: Precious to Him Conference @ Moody Church- Keynote Speaker Shayne Moore
October Book Club: Refuse To Do Nothing by Shayne Moore
October 10- November 17:  ShadowTown: A Stage Play about sex trafficking in Chicago

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Building community

Join others who share a passion for the same cause.  Anyone interested in taking a next step in building a community related to anti-human trafficking can come meet Cheryl and get connected.

Sunday, August 4th
10:30 am in Room B209

Questions? Email ht_ministry@yahoo.com

Monday, July 29, 2013

Breaking News - Recovering Victims of Child Sex Trafficking

Operation Cross Country
Recovering Victims of Child Sex Trafficking
Operation Cross Country—a three-day nationwide enforcement action focusing on underage victims of prostitution—has concluded with the recovery of 105 sexually exploited children and the arrests of 150 pimps and other individuals.
The sweep took place in 76 cities and was carried out by the FBI in partnership with local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies, and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) as part of the Bureau’s Innocence Lost National Initiative. It is the seventh and largest such enforcement action to date.
By the Numbers
Since its creation in 2003, the Innocence Lost National Initiative has resulted in the identification and recovery of 2,700 children who have been sexually exploited—and substantial sentences of convicted pimps, including eight federal life sentences and terms of imprisonment frequently ranging from 15-50 years.
“Child prostitution remains a persistent threat to children across America,” said Ron Hosko, assistant director of the FBI’s Criminal Investigative Division. “This operation serves as a reminder that these abhorrent crimes can happen anywhere and that the FBI remains committed to stopping this cycle of victimization and holding the criminals who profit from this exploitation accountable.”
Since its creation in 2003, the Innocence Lost National Initiative has resulted in the identification and recovery of more than 2,700 children who have been sexually exploited. Behind those numbers are the stories of real victims.
Alex was one such victim. At age 15, faced with a difficult family situation at home, she decided to leave and stay with a girlfriend and then an aunt. When that didn’t work out, she found herself on the street—with an abusive boyfriend who wanted to pimp her out.
“You learn quickly that the only people who are really willing to feed you, clothe you, and shelter you are your parents,” she said. “So I had to figure something out.” (See video.)

Alex was 16 years old and desperate. She turned to prostitution and later fell under the influence of a pimp and her family. “At first it was terrifying, and then you just kind of become numb to it,” she said. “You put on a whole different attitude—like a different person. It wasn’t me. I know that. Nothing about it was me.”
Two years later, Alex bravely contacted the FBI, and her cooperation helped us send two pimps to prison and facilitate the recovery of other underage victims. Today, with support from the Bureau’s Office for Victim Assistance, Alex is turning her life around. She earned her high school diploma, is living on her own, and has plans to attend college. She wants to become an advocate for young victims of sexual exploitation.
Strong Partnerships
Operation Cross Country is part of the Innocence Lost National Initiative that was created in 2003 by the FBI in partnership with the Department of Justice and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC), to address the growing problem of domestic child sex trafficking in the United States.
The program brings state and federal law enforcement agencies, prosecutors, and social service providers from around the country to NCMEC, where the groups are trained together.
“Operation Cross Country demonstrates just how many of America’s children are being sold for sex every day, many on the Internet,” said John Ryan, NCMEC CEO. “We are honored and proud to partner with the FBI, which has taken the lead in tackling this escalating problem.”
“What happened to me happened, and I can’t change it,” she said. “I can only change my future.”
Special Agent Kurt Ormberg, who helped recover Alex and put her pimp behind bars, explained that children who are most susceptible to sexual exploitation have a void in their lives. “That void might be related to family, food, or shelter, but it’s a void that needs to be filled, and pimps fill it.” And after they nurture their victims, he said, they sexually exploit them. “Too often,” Ormberg added, “these young victims don’t think they have anywhere else to turn.”
“I was very lucky to be able to walk away,” Alex said. “I never got hurt, so I’m really, really lucky. I’m one of the few that can say that.” Without the help of the FBI, she added, “I probably would have ended up dead.”
Forty-seven FBI divisions took part in Operation Cross Country VII, along with more than 3,900 local, state, and federal law enforcement officers and agents representing 230 separate agencies.
Resources:Press release

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Gift Card Donations!


Eve's Angels Outreach team in the northwest/west chicago suburbs need Bath and Body Works Gift Card Donations. They pass out gift bag kits that include lip gloss/bible/letter/lotion/candy. The staff loves the support for all the girls. If you can give, we suggest doing an E-Card on the Bath and Body Works Website, you will put in a shipping address but it's recieved through email..Remember you can pay with a Gift Card you may have left over from christmas like me!

Go To:

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

July Events

***No Bible Study on July 2nd*** (next one is 7/16)

July 6: Anne's house, 10 am-12 pm 

July 10: Call Center @ Willow Creek Crystal Lake, 7-9 pm

July 10: Pastor Harvey Carey @Willow South Barrington, 7 pm
Senior pastor, Citadel of Faith Community Church, Detroit • Visionary for urban renewal across the globe

July 12-14: Prayer Team for Eve's Angels Outreach at the Porn Convention

 Pledge an hour of your time to cover the outreach team in prayer as they bring light into this darkness.
Sign up now!  

July 12: Concert of Light, 8 pm. 
Attend this concert and join a community of artists (including the Willow Creek Praise Team) in speaking up for the oppressed. Following the concert there will be dessert and a silent auction. Donations at the door and from the auction will go to benefit organizations working around the world to end slavery.

imago creative studios

216 Prairie Street, Elgin, IL

July 16: Eve's Angels Bible Study:  7 pm, Room B207 @Willow Creek South Barrington

July 17: Eve's Angels Bible Study: 7 pm @ Willow Chicago 

July 17: Christine Caine @ Willow South Barrington, 7 pm
Co-founder, The A21 Campaign against human trafficking

July 20: Anne's house, 10 am - 12 pm

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

June Events

June 4: 7:00 p.m.- Eve's Angels Bible Study Launch
Willow Creek South Barrington Room B207 - REGISTER HERE

Participate in the launch of Eve's Angels Bible Study at Willow South Barrington.  Starting on Tuesday, June 4th and continuing every other Tuesday night, participants will tackle issues connected to healing and hope for those who have experienced sexual exploitation.  Anny Donewald, Founder and Executive Director of Eve's Angels leads our time of teaching and biblically-based support.  All are welcome.
Park in Lot "B" and enter building through "B" door--classroom will down hallway on left.  Check monitors for last minute room changes.

June 19: - Human Trafficking Forum- Movie Screening of Nefarious: Merchant of Souls. Willow Creek South Barrington Room B100 - REGISTER HERE

Learn about modern slavery by viewing the movie Nefarious: Merchant of Souls.  Hear from team leaders about current serving opportunities and where your gifts may be used to make a difference!

Nefarious is a hard-hitting documentary that exposes the disturbing trends in modern sex slavery.  From initial recruitment to victim liberation--and everything in between--the previously veiled underworld of sex slavery in uncovered in this ground-breaking movie.  PG-13

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

May Events

May 18: 9 a.m.- The Compassion & Justice Expo at Willow Creek Crystal Lake is  highlighting local and global serving opportunities. From 9:00 - 9:45 there will be a breakout session looking at the issue of Sex Trafficking.  Representatives will be speaking from Salvation Army PROMISE and Freedom Firm.  Find out more & Register here.

May 19: 5 - 7:00 p.m.- Foster Care Prayer Vigil - Willow Creek South Barrington, Room B100. Join the vulnerable children's ministry in prayer for kids in foster care.  A catered meal and childcare is available.  RSVP here.