Dear Precious One,
Last night brought the privilege of hearing first hand your
amazing story of not just survival, but redemption. Privilege, because you have
chosen to share your heart, your journey, your traumas – intimate details with
strangers, and trusting that it will be received with grace and love and mercy.
Trusting that it will move those in the crowd listening to “be the change” as
you so aptly wrote inside the cover of your book.
What a privilege indeed, when you have all the reason in the
world to never trust again. After all, where were we when you
were being abused as a young child? Where were we when you fled your home at
age 12, hoping to escape the abuse? Where were we when the trafficker scooped
you off the street, taking advantage of your naiveté and vulnerability? Where
were we when he conditioned you into believing you were nothing but a commodity
to be bought, sold and traded? Where were we when you were arrested – a child
treated as a criminal instead of the victim you were – and shamed for “what you
had done”. Where were we when you finally found your way out, but still didn’t
know you were the victim? Where were we when your police record continued to
haunt you as you rebuilt a new life? Where were we?
For all of the times we were not there for you – we are
sorry, so very sorry. Please accept our humble apologies; please forgive us. We
didn’t know then. But we know now, oh, we know now.
We know now that human trafficking exists, not just “over
there”, but right HERE, right in our very backyards. We know now that
traffickers prey on the young, the weak, and the vulnerable – that the average
age of victims is between 11-14 years old. We know now that traffickers are
master manipulators and controllers. We know now that in your vulnerability,
you could not see past the lies they fed you – that you were nothing, that no
one cared about you, that this was all you would ever be. We know now that you
were trapped in a dark, evil world and it wasn’t your fault.
We know too, that you are beautiful and brave, with strength
beyond measure. We know that God will bring life from the ashes - that He will
redeem all of the pain, not one tear will be wasted. We know that God has a
plan and a purpose for you. We know that we are called to never let you be
forgotten ever again. We know we are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus
in finding you, serving you, loving you, standing alongside you, cheering you
And so, we promise you – an unwavering promise made with
unwavering faith – that we are here now. We will learn to recognize the signs
of the vulnerable as well as the signs of trafficking. We will read books and
blogs and websites that can teach us what to look for and what to do. We will
pray and knit and bake and sew for outreach to the vulnerable and exploited. We
will renovate homes to create safe houses. We will shop with purpose to support
survivors who are rebuilding their lives. We will be your voice in social and legislative
circles. We promise we will be the change.
Grace and peace,
Your Willow Family
Then Jesus told them this parable: "Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn't he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbors together and says, 'Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.'" Luke 15:3-6
"...suppose a woman has ten silver coins and loses one. Doesn't she light a lamp, sweep the house and search carefully until she finds it? Ad when she finds it, she calls her friends and neighbors together and says, 'Rejoice with me; I have found my lost coin.'" Luke 15:8-9
Get Connected:
Contact Cheryl Csiky at:
Upcoming Events:
New Name Call Center – pray for women as we offer resources
and outreach over the phone to women posted on online ads. Wednesday, April
1st, 7:30-8:15 pm at Willow Creek Community Church in the Link (F Lot Parking)
Book Discussion Group: **Note change in location!** We will be discussing, Dancing With the Devil, by Anny
Donewald. Join us on Saturday, April 18th from 10:00 am - Noon at the South Arboretum Panera in the glass room.
Scarves for Outreach: Do you knit or crochet? Then we have a
way for you to help! We are hoping to collect 200 hand-made scarves by August
for our out-reach teams to distribute in the fall. Please contact Holly at for more information.
Save the Date:
April 11th Decatur Prison Returning Hearts Event
– Women inmates reuniting with their children for a fun day. Hosted by AWANA.
June 18th Forum at Willow Creek Community Church –
Guest speaker Tom Dart will be speaking on victim rights.
June 27th “Guts and Glory” Dash: Awareness to End
Click on the Calendar of Events tab for the full year