Monday, November 4, 2013

November Events

November 5: Official
launch of the Eve's Angels Men's Chapter
7 pm, Room B207, Willow Creek South Barrington 
Men will be studying the book Eyes of Honor (available here).  Also men can join the ARMED Campaign (Association for Real Men Ending the Demand) and take the pledge!  

November 5:  Study Eve's Angels Bible Study
7 pm, Room B207, Willow Creek South Barrington

November 8-9: Gather4Justice Conference
The Compass Church in Naperville
Join us to learn and network as believers to combat human trafficking globally and in our own backyards.  Register here

November 10th: Section 101/102F Gathering, Willow Creek South Barrington
After the 11:15 Sunday service, Room B205. 
We will be making decorations for a Thanksgiving Celebration for a home we serve for minors who are trafficked in Chicago.

November 13: New-Name Call Center at Willow Creek Crystal Lake
7 pm, Conference Center
This ministry makes outgoing phone calls and offers prayer and assistance for girls in the adult entertainment industry.  New Name has provided us with a script to guide us in our calls as well as a list of services that can provide help to the girls if needed. Training is required prior to participation. Contact Donna

Now - November 17 - Shadow Town 
The Den Theatre 1333 N. Milwaukee, Chicago, IL  2nd Floor

A 90 minute original stage play, based on dozens of interviews of people involved with sex trafficking in Chicago. Proceeds benefit The Salvation Army PROMISE program Anne's House and The Dreamcatcher Foundation. Get your tickets now!!

November 16: Salvation Army PROMISE Anne's house visit 10-12 (intercession needed)

November 19: Eve's Angels Bible Study (Men & Women's Groups)
7 pm, Room B207,Willow Creek South Barrington

November 19 -  Sewing Circle - Willow Creek Crystal Lake - 7 pm in Room 122 
We will be sewing pillowcases into dresses for little girls in Africa for Dress A Girl Around the World.  The dresses are given to girls who live in a society where they have no value.  By providing a new dress sewn out of a pillowcase you may well be changing a young girl’s destiny. Contact Donna

November 19: National Day of Action - International Justice Mission
Join the #1Step1Voice Campaign. We'll be calling on Congress to pass the Human Trafficking Prioritization Act. Take Action now!

November 23:  Salvation Army PROMISE Anne's house visit 10-12 (intercession needed) 

November 23 - CSEC Training Seminar, 8 - 3:30
Willow Creek North Shore- 315 Waukegan Road, Northfield Illinois
Recognize the commercial sexual exploitation of children, detect risk factors, identify and
effectively engage victims, and build skills necessary to serve youths affected by
human trafficking.  Register by November 16.


December 11:  Human Trafficking Concert: The "We Need Your Light" Project
7:30 - 9 @ Willow Creek South Barrington in the Chapel  
Support the movement to end human trafficking by expanding your understanding of key issues through this forum, which includes a concert by Willow worship artists Dell Washington, Shawn Christopher, Alisha Thomas, Sharon Irving, and more. Register